Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Best Quote I Heard All Day
People who are fond of laws and sausages should not look too closely at how they are made.--Otto von Bismark

So please. I've now discovered that knitting may be illegal in some circumstances...what next?

Don't ask.

So Bite Me...or Arrest Me
Knitting is against the law for jury members on duty in New York.

In New Jersey, it's against the law for men to knit during fishing season.
Given the condition of auto insurance costs in my beloved home state, it stands to reason that this law is on the books.

You can't make this shit up. My daughter Corinne told me about a site, Dumb Laws, and you wouldn't believe what's against the law.

I'll be hitting the trout fanatics at Flat Brook in April to make some citizen's arrests...

Just BS, That's It
I'm totally brain-fried from work. Endless hours of writing process and procedure against a deadline of now...or perhaps yesterday.

So you'll not get much in the way of writing from me this week. Except that Achim is back. I'm happy. I'll let you know the denouement.

Knitting is getting done, albeit slowly. The pieces to the Oceania cardi are finished but my eyes are too tired at night to do the assembly. I'm back to working on the back of Carol Lapin's Pickpocket Tunic from the first Jamieson book. I swear, I have to get my digital camera connection working with my laptop...this blog needs pictures BADLY.

I'm handy...and usually rare. But at this point, consider me half-baked and possibly well done.

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