Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Best Quote I've Heard All Day
One of the major functions of skin is to keep people who look at you from throwing up. -- Actual exam answer

I may use this one tomorrow right before Dr. Rubman does his slice 'n' dice on my ulnar nerve...

Hasta La Vista, Babies
So tomorrow at 11:45 a.m. EDT, the aforementioned Dr. Marc Rubman, sports orthopedist extraordinaire (I hope), will do an ulnar nerve transposition on my left arm. And thereafter, arm will be bandaged, splinted and sling-ed. How rare. How unhandy.

This may be my last entry for a while, although I do hope that I will manage a word or two with my right hand. However, I will be taking some interesting drugs methinks. As Loopy says, "mean AND stoned." LOL!!!

Ever since my husband Jimmy died last January, I have not wanted to deal with hospitals, doctors, or any health-related anything. And yet, here I am. So life goes on and I do what I have to do.

This has been the worst year of my life, honestly. But there have been some bright spots nonetheless, as there always are...
My good and dear friends--Mary, AnnMarie, Mark, Loopy, Gail, Dotti, Susan, Bob, Willy, Warren, Johnny B, the whole TCI gang and the Ops Team especially
My family--Elly, Sissyboo Schwester Karen, Bruder Rich, the Sisty Uglers Jenn and Corinne, Lizzybug, Ian
This blog, which lets me write out my daffiness and lets me be me
Achim, whom I miss right now
My knitting and designing
My writing
My job

Gotta count your blessings, you know? Can't always be cynical and abrasive...

End of KC Being Sentimental and Sloppy

Meeting Annie
But I did have a great time this afternoon after work at Barnes & Noble, meeting Annie Modesitt, whose knitblog Modeknit Musings I always read. It's good to meet local knitters, especially ones who get you and vicey-versy. And Annie swore to me that she wouldn't tell a soul that I'm actually a nice person.

Don't believe it.

See you all at the Stitches East Market on Sunday! I will be there, by God. Look for the left arm in sling.

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